What is Active Directory and What Can It Do For Me?

You are managing many employees all who access various computers within your practice and some information is necessary, some not, you want to control access and quickly audit your system.  So what do you do?  In steps the Active Directory, a tool to simplify security and user management.  If you're interested in learning more about Active Directory or looking to solve access confusion and frustration this just might be the solution for you.

What is Active Directory?

Active Directory is a tool installed when a domain controller is installed.  Active Directory is a live directory or database of users, computers and resources on your network providing the ability to grant/prevent access to any and all data through the use of permissions across user accounts from one, centralized location.   Okay, that makes sense but what are the benefits of utilizing Active Directory?

Active Directory Benefit  #1 -Enhanced Security and Functionality

Enhance security while making functionality significantly simpler across your organization.  One admin can cover rights management as well as configurations from one location granting access and permissions across the entire network.  Rather than needing to share information from PC to PC there is one repository that anyone can access if they have the right permissions, again granted by the admin. What this means is that an administrator can add a user, grant them permissions, provide them a single username and password and they are free to access necessary information across the network.

Active Directory Benefit #2 - Standardization

Standardization is a breeze with Active Directory.  There is nothing more frustrating than updating multiple computers, constantly managing, fixing, undoing, redoing changes made by those who "always use the same computer".  Not only is it a hassle to stay on top of all the tweaks staff make to fit their own needs but every time a change is made efficiency takes a hit.  Want to make sure that each desktop, printer, power setting, screen saver (etc.) is the same across your organization?  Active Directory grants the admin the ability to standardize this and more.

Active Directory Benefit #3 - User Management

User management is another key element to Active Directory.  From adding employees and granting permissions to revoking permissions due to policy or termination you can control access across all computers from one central location.  The moment a permission is granted or revoked the user will either have or no longer have access across the network without the need to edit usernames and passwords on multiple workstations.

Active Directory Benefit #4 - HIPAA Security

HIPAA security is of utmost importance for a Dental Practice and there are a multitude of ways to protect yourself, your practice and your patients.  Active Directory can play a major role in your HIPAA compliance by granting the ability to control who or what has access to personally identifiable information, for how long, and by implementing safeguards such as timed logouts.  Say your employee is accessing patient information and suddenly has a sneezing fit, they run to the tissue box down the hall and leave their screen on where anyone could access sensitive information.  By implementing timed logouts through Active Directory you can help control unauthorized access to your patient data.  You can also easily audit and log user access throughout your office, a key benefit in your fight to stay HIPAA compliant.

About Darkhorse Tech

Whether you're just starting out or a well-established organization, Darkhorse Tech has the experience and technology to help get you moving, cut costs, and streamline your operations via unlimited IT support. We are here to help you do what you do best: focus on providing top-notch care and service for patients - not dealing with IT problems, lag time spent talking with technical support, or complicated technological mishaps. Unlimited IT support services help the whole team work efficiently without worrying about significant system issues or constant interruptions.

Our additional security services include:

  • Unlimited Remote and/or On-Site IT Support of All Your Hardware and Software
  • Improved Network Performance and Security
  • HIPAA Compliant Off-Site and Local Backup Service (Darkhorse Secure Backup)
  • Managed Antivirus, Anti-Malware, and Anti-Ransomware (Darkhorse Security Products)
  • Compliance & Security Laws Standards
  • Microsoft Security Patch Management
  • Vendor Management: We will be on the phone, not your employees
  • Secure, Remote Access to Your Office
  • Firewall Management
  • Network Management
  • Long Term Planning and Budgeting

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We understand that caring for your patients is your top priority. Dealing with a computer issue, slow IT response time or HIPAA compliance requirements just aren’t high on your list of to-do’s. That’s where Darkhorse Dental Tech comes in. Our team of Dental IT specialists are experts when it comes to running a great, secure and successful practice —and so much more. Whether you’re looking for IT services for startups, or existing support and security services for your practice, Darkhorse can do it all for you, so you can get back to your patients.

Have questions? Looking for ideas? Just want to talk teeth? Drop us a line at sales@darkhorsetech.com to get the conversation started! Or head to our Contact page to send us a message. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram!

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