Questions Dental Practices Should Ask About Open Dental Cloud Services

You make sure to employ the latest dental technology, keep your practice friendly and welcoming, and make sure your team never stops learning. But, if you're not able to keep everything organized, your practice will suffer. 

Running a dental practice can be quite hectic with all the appointments, changing hours, emergency consultations, and so on. You need a cloud service that can help you keep everything running smoothly. 

With the multitude of dental IT services available today, it can be hard to choose. If you are considering Open Dental Cloud Services, here are four important questions you should ask. 

What Cloud Computing Services Are Provided?

A lot of dental practice activity happens in the digital world nowadays. You need to make sure that the service you are opting for covers all or most of your needs. 

Make a list of all the services you need to streamline your operations, such as Practice Management Software (PMS), Electronic Dental Records (EDR), Patient communication tools, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and so on and use it to determine if Open Dental fits your needs. 

Where Is the Data Stored?

Most cloud-based software companies will store your data on their servers. With Open Dental, on the other hand, you have complete control over your data at all times. This can be appealing to some practices, although you should keep in mind that this also makes you completely responsible for storing, managing, and backing up your data. 

Is the Data Secured?

As we said, you are responsible for encrypting and storing your data. On the other hand, all cloud-based software companies must be HIPAA compliant, which means that they went through a thorough vetting process to ensure they meet all the HIPAA requirements. 

Will Open Dental Cloud Be Hard for My Team to Learn?

Open Dental Cloud requires a more hands-on approach, but with a bit of practice and patience, your team will be able to use it comfortably. 

This is the ideal solution if you want to have full control over your data and understand every aspect of your practice. Open Dental Cloud also offers quite a lot of time-saving features which can help streamline your tasks. 

On the flip side, your data won't automatically be encrypted and stored and you won't be able to access it from a web browser (only via Windows systems,) which might make things less smooth. 

How Darkhorse Tech Can Help 

If you are looking for a way to streamline your dental practice's IT needs, Darkhorse Tech is here to help. We have over a decade of experience in dental IT and can integrate all your systems to make sure your organization runs smoothly. This way, you can worry less about your practice's IT systems and focus more on providing the best dental and customer care to your patients. 

Want to learn more? Get in touch with us online and learn more about our dental IT services. 

Darkhorse Dental IT Is Here For You

We understand that caring for your patients is your top priority. Dealing with a computer issue, slow IT response time or HIPAA compliance requirements just aren’t high on your list of to-do’s. That’s where Darkhorse Dental Tech comes in. Our team of Dental IT specialists are experts when it comes to running a great, secure and successful practice —and so much more. Whether you’re looking for IT services for startups, or existing support and security services for your practice, Darkhorse can do it all for you, so you can get back to your patients.

Have questions? Looking for ideas? Just want to talk teeth? Drop us a line at to get the conversation started! Or head to our Contact page to send us a message. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram!

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